 Q & A

What is FREE SEA ?
FREE SEA is a piece of software running under Win32 which implements the Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) - a method for the calculation of high frequency air- and structure-borne sound. If you don’t know what this means, you have probably no use for FREE SEA.

Who can use FREE SEA ?
Everyone is allowed to use FREE SEA free of charge. It may be used for educational purposes and for non-commercial and commercial research as long the user accepts the terms and conditions of the license.

Where does FREE SEA come from ?
FREE SEA was developed by the author as a result of several SEA codes used in research work at Technische Universität Dresden.

What is the actual version of FREE SEA ?
The actual version is 0.91.

Which computer language was used for writing FREE SEA?
FREE SEA is written in standard C++ with some extensions available in Microsoft Visual C++.

Which CLF formulations and other theory are used by FREE SEA ?
Some of the formulations are not published in any way. Some other only in German. Details are provided on request (see last page) . Its too laborious to publish them all here on the web site or in the user giude.

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Last change: 28.03.03